Couple Shuffle

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Versión 4.0
Calificación 3
Tipo Carreras
Nombre del paquete com.zerosum.coupleshuffle
Descargas 5+
Introducción a Couple Shuffle
Play as the couple and help them increase their wealth.
Shuffle their money between the two and never let the money decrease.
Use green and positive doors to multiply it.
The man gives some of it to the woman and sometimes the woman gives it back to him.
They are a family, spend their money to create a home for them.
Create their destiny and watch them live their best life.

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Descarga la APK de versión de Android
Descarga la APK de versión de Android de Couple Shuffle
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Instala Couple Shuffle.
Inicia y disfruta de Couple Shuffle.
Google Play
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre Couple Shuffle

¿Es seguro Couple Shuffle para mi dispositivo?

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¿Qué es un archivo XAPK y qué debo hacer si descargo Couple Shuffle en formato XAPK?

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¿Puedo jugar Couple Shuffle en mi PC?

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