Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games

Start your bus engine and play the role of modern euro bus driver to transport!
Gamepause Studio

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Versión 1.1.3
Fecha de actualización 2023-11-21
Calificación 4.2
Tipo Simulación
Nombre del paquete
Descargas 5+

Introducción a Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games

Let’s step into this Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games
Gear up for an exciting gameplay of tourist transportation in coach bus simulator game. Play Metro Bus Taxi driving game in simulation category where you will play the role as a bus driver and provide pick & drop services to the passengers. Pick the tourist from one terminal and drop them at their destination on the given time. This Euro city coach bus simulator offers you an opportunity to become a bus driver for the public transport games. Real city coach bus simulator has many features of passengers' pick and drop service and complete all the challenging missions of transportation. Drive through difficult tracks of euro city bus driving games and become a successful driver. Passengers are waiting for the bus on the terminal so be on time and provide best service for the transportation for the tourists.

As a transporter bus driver, you have to take the passengers to their destinations in a Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games. Polish your driving skills like a pro bus driver and avoid accidents and hitting hurdles when you are on the way to complete your transportation mission. Public coach bus driving games offers you a realistic environment of an off road bus driving games. This coach simulator game brings the best opportunity for you to drive euro buses to transport the passengers around the US city. This transport games is not just about picking and dropping the tourists but it's about your bus driving skills and parking game skills. There are multiple levels with different environments which include hill station and other city environments.

Check the daily basis necessaries of the bus and start your job as a bus driver. The passengers on the terminal are awaiting for your arrival, reach towards the terminal and pick the passengers and drop them to their desired location. Drive the bus carefully when you are on duty and avoid hitting hurdles. There are different types of metro busses available in the garage, you can unlock them by completing all the transporting missions. Enjoy the public transport game with many luxury buses and an amazing animations based on Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games. Prove yourself as a professional euro bus driver and get the five star rating from the passengers.

Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games Features.
• Select different busses from the store with different road features.
• Smooth and easy to use controller of bus driving games.
• Advance navigation system implemented for your ease.
• Avoid hurdles and hitting other cars which led to an accident.

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Comentarios sobre la versión de Android de Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games

good game czas Add jamaane gross
So so game bus is not good 😡😡😡😭😡
I want to download this game help me please

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XAPK es un formato de extensión de archivo que contiene un archivo APK independiente y otros archivos de datos (por ejemplo, archivos de recursos adicionales en juegos grandes). El propósito del archivo XAPK es permitir que los archivos de datos de la aplicación se almacenen por separado antes de la instalación de la aplicación, facilitando la gestión y transferencia más eficiente de aplicaciones grandes. XAPK puede ayudar a reducir el tamaño del paquete de instalación inicial de la aplicación. Por lo general, en teléfonos móviles, los usuarios deben instalar primero una aplicación de instalación de XAPK y luego instalar el archivo XAPK a través de esa aplicación. Puedes encontrar aplicaciones específicas en el siguiente enlace: En una computadora, simplemente arrastra y suelta el archivo en el emulador de Android LDPlayer.

¿Puedo jugar Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games en mi PC?

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Sí, puedes hacerlo instalando LDPlayer, un emulador de Android en tu computadora. Después, simplemente arrastra el archivo APK que has descargado dentro del emulador en funcionamiento para comenzar a Jugar Metro Bus Taxi Driving Games en PC abrir el emulador, buscar el juego o la aplicación que deseas jugar e instalarla desde allí.
