The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia


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Versión 0.0.22
Fecha de actualización 2021-11-16
Calificación 4.5
Tipo Estrategia
Nombre del paquete com.redhand.eagarlnia
Descargas 100+

Introducción a The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia

Thank you for visiting the page of "The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia", it's a premium offline game with no in-app-purchase!

This is a light-weight "grand strategy" game with a unique original story background made by an indie team of 5. Although the gameplay is not exactly innovative, it represents our game producer's passion and understanding of the classic strategic games. With Eagarlnia, we hope to bring you an enjoyable single-player strategy game experience that you don't have to rush to make the better decision, but would be able to play wherever and whenever you are.

The game first launched an early access PC version last October. After nearly a year of tuning, we finally achieved a 30-day rating of 90%+ positive feedback, and finally we felt comfortable to bring Eagarlnia to you on mobile consoles.

You will enter a world of Swords & Magic, where there are countries with different characteristics and potential relationships, and you can choose to become the monarch of any country. Through wise management of your own territory, you will grow your economic and military strengths, and eventually conquer other countries and become the overlord of Eagarlnia.

In addition to the rich and colorful heroic paintings and pixel-style fighting scenes, you will experience these 3 key features:
1. A story-rich fantasy world with 5 living races
Every existence in the world of Eagarlnia has its own story where rivals could have been sworn brothers. You will gradually discover unknown relationships between the heroes, and along the way you will establish your own exclusive network, eventually conquering them all.

2. A customized gaming experience with more than 350+ heroes
From the very beginning of the game, you will be able to customize the original settings of your country, the management of your wealth, the configuration of the AIs, etc.
There are more than 350 heroes in the game, where you can have them join your force through visiting, lobbying and capturing. Some of them are incomparable in intelligence, some are brave, some are insidious and cunning, and some are despicable. Use them wisely to become a qualified ruler. Some special heroes even have their own special artifacts, which need to be unlocked by completing specific missions.

3. A game for creating your own epic story
You can choose from 19 forces of different advantages and skills. You can grow your force through internal affairs management, development on wealth and strength, manipulating others through diplomatic tactics, acquiring talents from battlefield, dungeon adventure and many other ways awaiting your discovery. The game is also designed to have more than a hundred kinds of troops, of which reasonable matching and deployment is key to your vicotry. In addition, there are also hidden troops with powerful abilities packed with the mysterious powers for you to unlock.

Finally, we are eager to know your feedback on the game through email to or talk with us on Discord.

If you like the game, it's much appreciated that you would leave us a good review and rating, which would really help and support our development team in future updates and optimization! Thank you!

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Sí, The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia sigue las pautas de contenido de Google Play para garantizar un uso seguro en tu dispositivo Android.

¿Qué es un archivo XAPK y qué debo hacer si descargo The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia en formato XAPK?

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XAPK es un formato de extensión de archivo que contiene un archivo APK independiente y otros archivos de datos (por ejemplo, archivos de recursos adicionales en juegos grandes). El propósito del archivo XAPK es permitir que los archivos de datos de la aplicación se almacenen por separado antes de la instalación de la aplicación, facilitando la gestión y transferencia más eficiente de aplicaciones grandes. XAPK puede ayudar a reducir el tamaño del paquete de instalación inicial de la aplicación. Por lo general, en teléfonos móviles, los usuarios deben instalar primero una aplicación de instalación de XAPK y luego instalar el archivo XAPK a través de esa aplicación. Puedes encontrar aplicaciones específicas en el siguiente enlace: En una computadora, simplemente arrastra y suelta el archivo en el emulador de Android LDPlayer.

¿Puedo jugar The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia en mi PC?

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Sí, puedes hacerlo instalando LDPlayer, un emulador de Android en tu computadora. Después, simplemente arrastra el archivo APK que has descargado dentro del emulador en funcionamiento para comenzar a Jugar The Heroic Legend of Eagarlnia en PC abrir el emulador, buscar el juego o la aplicación que deseas jugar e instalarla desde allí.
